Latest Past Events

Troop 6 Meeting – Including PLC

PARC (Program Activity Resource Campus) 1 Scouting Way, Exton

Troop 6 Meeting Tonight - PLC Directly After for 15 minutes. Wear Class A uniforms and bring scout handbook. Masks are now required regardless of vaccination status.  Meeting will be […]

Eagle Court of Honor – for William, Ryan, & Colin

PARC (Program Activity Resource Campus) 1 Scouting Way, Exton

This Eagle Court of Honor is a formal recognition event with families, friends, and special invitees to celebrate the highest level of achievement a Scout can earn - Eagle Scout.

Troop 6 Meeting

PARC (Program Activity Resource Campus) 1 Scouting Way, Exton

Troop 6 Meeting Tonight. Wear Class A uniforms and bring scout handbook. Meeting will be at the Parc Scouting Facility in Exton. Masks are now required regardless of vaccination status.