Latest Past Events

Eagle Court of Honor – for Jimmy Blair, Jack Messaros, Harry McAnulla & Branton Pratt

PARC (Program Activity Resource Campus) 1 Scouting Way, Exton

This Eagle Court of Honor is a formal recognition event with families, friends, and special invitees to celebrate the highest level of achievement a Scout can earn - Eagle Scout. Please join us in celebrating this achievement. Reception to follow. Please RSVP: Carol Blair: Barb Messaros: Keri McAnulla: Renee Pratt:   […]

Eagle Court of Honor – for Cormac Doherty & Michael Renzi from Troop 66

PARC (Program Activity Resource Campus) 1 Scouting Way, Exton

You are invited to the Eagle Scout Court of Honor to celebrate Michael Renzi and Cormac Doherty Sunday, February 25, 6:30 p.m. PARC 1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA Please let us know if you are able to attend by emailing:

Life-to-Eagle Seminar Fall 2023

PARC (Program Activity Resource Campus) 1 Scouting Way, Exton

Life-to-Eagle Seminar Fall 2023 All Life Scouts in your troop are encouraged to attend the Chester County Council Life-to-Eagle Seminar on November 16. 2023 at PARC in Exton. This seminar is an important step for any Scout that expects to work on the Eagle Scout rank in the next 18 months. Scoutmasters, Eagle project coaches, […]