Troop 6 conducted our Fall 2021 Court of Honor on 10/25 at the beautiful new Scout facility – “PARC” – Program Activity Resource Campus in Exton, PA.

Troop 6 troop holds a court of honor twice a year. This is a formal recognition with families, friends, and the public in attendance. All Scouts who have moved up to any rank except Eagle Scout, or who have earned merit badges since the last court of honor, will be recognized.

Troop 6 Fall Court of Honor: On 10/25, at the beautiful new Scout Program Activity Resource Campus (PARC) in Exton, PA, Troop 6 celebrated our Fall Court of Honor. Family, friends, and fellow scouts were in attendance to witness the Scouts achievements of Rank Advancement, Merit Badge Awards, and highlights from some of some of the community service projects and trips this year. In total 7 Scouts received rank advancement and 53 Merit Badges were awarded in areas such as Animation, Athletics, Crime Prevention, Swimming, Shotgun Shooting, Emergency Preparedness, and more . Prior to the meeting, Troop 6 voted in the next Senior Patrol Leader (SPL), Patrol Leaders, Troop Guide, Scribe, Quartermaster and more. Two distinguished Scouts earned the highest rank in Scouting – Eagle Scout. That momentous achievement will be celebrated in a special Eagle Scout Court of Honor in the future. Congratulations to all the Scouts for persevering thru the pandemic and continuing to focus on Scouting. A huge thank you to all the parents and adult leaders that help these Scouts achieve their goals.
Court of Honor Service Project Talk Court of Honor Swearing In Leadership Position Change